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5th Grade Schedule Survey

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A short survey to assess the students’ opinions of the schedule change that we made 2nd quarter. 

1. I prefer the new schedule that was used 2nd quarter.

 Strongly Agree
 29 (41%) 
 25 (35%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 10 (14%) 
 Strongly Disagree

Total: 71

2. I would like to trade by homeroom for all my classes.

 Stongly Agree
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 21 (30%) 
 Strongly Disagree
 29 (41%) 

Total: 71

3. I would like to be mixed-up, like we were for 2nd quarter, for all my classes.

 Stongly Agree
 31 (44%) 
 15 (21%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 10 (14%) 
 Strongly Disagree
 12 (17%) 

Total: 71

4. I feel that I learn better when I am trading with the new schedule as compared to when I am trading with my homeroom.

 Strongly Agree
 21 (30%) 
 18 (25%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 27 (38%) 
 Strongly Disagree

Total: 71

5. I would change nothing major about the schedule for 3rd quarter.

 Strongly Agree
 13 (18%) 
 15 (21%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 23 (32%) 
 16 (23%) 
 Strongly Disagree

Total: 71

6. I like eating lunch before going to recess.

 Strongly Agree
 26 (37%) 
 15 (21%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 11 (15%) 
 Strongly Disagree
 12 (17%) 

Total: 71

7. I prefer having SSR/Study Hall after lunch instead of having a 10 minute Study Hall at the end of the day.

 Strongly Agree
 32 (45%) 
 18 (25%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

Total: 71

8. If you have anything that you would like to share about the schedule change and how it has affected you and they way you learn please share it with us.

 I like the new schedlure
 I like the schedule change but sometimes, after I ate lunch, I dont run as fast at recess.
 I don't like it because it is not good for the end the day for us to do study hall at the end of the day
If we will stay with this schedule, I prefer to change our sixth grade schedule sometimes. For example, a student got Math, Literature, then Science. And that student's schedule changed into Literature, Science, then Math.
Thank you
 I think it would be really fun if you could mix us up with all our classes.
 I think that may be it would be good if the last class of the day we had more time and get what we need done so we can just get up an go!
 For the first half of the day we should be with different people every day.
     I think we should have all our classes mixed up except for the first class. It should be homeroom class, but the morning should be mixed in 5th grade classes only, and the afternoon should be mixed in 6th grade classes only.
All of my neither agree or disagree ment that it does not matter to me.  Then  on the forth question the neither agree or dis agree ment that i learn that same either way.
 I think we should trade with different people then we have now.
 I feel sad about mixed-up with all of my classes I don't agree and I don't agree with learn better with new schedule and I will not want to homeroom with all my classes and that all for now see you later.
  I feel that it was fun to mix up the classes, but it would be even better if we could do that for all of the classes. (p.e., language arts, social studies) And if we use our net-books more. I do admit that I think I did a better job in school work. Being able to have the choice how you want to learn makes it much more easy to comprehend what it is that we are learning. The last thing I will say has to do with math. I like being able to sit wherever you want in math class. Thanks!
 I think we should be able to go to the gym when it gets cold outside, and that we should be able to decide if we want to go outside or not no matter what the weather.
 I don't like that SSR/Study Hall is mixed together because I can't do my afternoon homework. I used study hall to finish my math homework so when I get home it's done and my mom can check it. The schedule change doesn't allow me to do that.
I would like to learn with other people ya know.
 I like having a longer SSR time after lunch, but I need more time to pack up at the end of the day.
 Although i do like the schedule now, i do not think it's fair to put people with different knowledge in different classes, with home room travel, other people can help each other.
 I would like to mix up everything so that we go with the people who currently have the same schedule
 I enjoy this schedule because I can be with my friends that aren't in my homeroom for half of the school hours instead of only about 20 minutes.
 I would like to have a different schedule for 6th grade classes each quarter.
 I like having the new schedule because band/choir don't have to leave lunch early.
 well study hall wise i think we should stick with after school because I'm band and choir like a few other people so we don't get any study hall time all i do is fill out my planner and trade.
 I would rather recess before lunch because, when we have recess after lunch your stomach doesn't have enough time to digest the food and someone's stomach could hurt or someone could through up. I would also like to have a different schedule in the afternoon because a lot of the people in my afternoon schedule are very distracting. Thank you concentrating my thoughts of improvements.
 For the sixth grade teachers I like the people in my class right now because I feel they are at the same level school wise! But for the fifth grade teachers I like it the way it is because I like to see my homeroom too.
 On the question I like eating lunch before going to recess I want to go to recess because when you go outside for recess then you come back in for lunch you will want to eat and drink more. Then right now I don't like it because when you go outside when your done eating you won't want to play more.
 I like all of the questions that you let us answer.
 i want it to say the way it is
 I would like it so we were mixed up with all of our classes, but it does not have to happen just a suggestion.
 I think maybe to see if we learn better you could have one class with all girls , one class with all boys ,and a mixed class at the last three classes.
 i think that we should have lunch after recess because my stomach hurts when i play out side and we should stay in are homerooms all the time
I like the schedule right now, but I do not like lunch before ressces.
I think that my schedule now is better because I can socialize with other kids when I have afternoon classes.
 I would really like mix the changes again like we did in the 2 quarter.
 i would love to switch all the classes . Only because we get to be better friends with other people . I would like to see how every body behaves and make even more friends than i already do.
 I like the new schedule better because we get to see our friends and other kids from other classes.
 I think this schedule is Pretty good but we need to have more time at the end of the day to pack up. People are panicking to get to the bus in time. The SSR time is cool and I hope I can continue learning well.
 I enjoy the fact that I am being challenged more than I was in the beginning of the year when we traded with homeroom. I also like that I get to be with my friends in other homerooms. It makes the fact that we are in different classes not such a big deal. I would like if we could trade with other people but i like it the way it is now also.

Total: 42